Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Shopping - Homecoming dresses

Hello my girls and welcome to my new post! Summer is here and warm weather too, and that is maybe my favorite season when it comes to fashion. Everybody is enjoying the nice weather and wearing their summer dresses. Following the latest fashion trends for the season, today I prepared for you a post about my favorite garment for the summer - homecoming dresses 2019! We will also be talking about one of my favorite online stores where I browsed the trends and dresses that I will be showing you today. I hope you will enjoy it! If you are a dress lover, then keep on reading! Please check this online shop 27dress. I picked out a few favorites when it comes to dresses for this summer and you can see them on the photos in today's post my loves. I love the gentle colors because I believe you can wear them during both summer days as well as evening. If you love a mini length on a dress I believe the first one will be something you will enjoy. On the other hand, bodycon knee-length dress with a waist belt is a perfect evening choice for any hot summer evening.


  1. Sweet and sophisticated dresses, Buba!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. ai que vestidos mais lindos!! adorei!!!

    adorei o teu blog segui (!!), será que poderás seguir de volta o meu?

  3. These dresses are beautiful. Each has something in it. They all please me. I really like red dresses. The latter stole my heart. <3


  4. Wow! These dresses are fantastic !

  5. Molto carini. Buona giornata.

  6. Oh WOW...I Love these gorgeous dresses!!❤❤ Red is one of my favourite colours!!😊😊
